Thursday, October 20, 2011

Tools That Change the Way We Think

I think that the use of the internet/media/technology has gradually decreased my ability to critically think.  Instead of getting an essay topic or a homework assignment that I have to sit down and really work on, I can most likely get the answer within minutes with the use of the internet.  The entire thinking process of researching has declined because of the convenience of technology.  It's extremely rare for people to go to the library to check out books to find information for a project their working on, just because this is so much more time consuming.  With the mind-set that research won't take long, I usually have a difficult time concentrating and end up browsing other websites while I'm trying to complete my school assignments.  What could have been a quick assignment, can take me an hour with the distractions of the internet.  The internet contains a lot of biased information, and like from the filter bubbles reading, the information you find on hear is tailored to what the internet servers believe you want to hear.  With this in mind, I think that those who don't use technology as much are able to think more on their own, as they are more likely to find more of a variety of information by using all of the resources available to them.

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