Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Socratic Seminar Discussion

-- It's a necessary part of life for people to learn from their own mistakes, so they need to forge their own path.
-- Taught to prepare for tests in school….not always a good judgement of what we know
-- Don't be forced into doing things you don't want to…."Your life is your life."

     In high school, it is a requirement by law for you to attend school.  Whether you are home schooled or attend a private school, or whatever it may be, you have to get an education.  When you attend a university, you are paying to attend the institution, so there is a certain level of motivation behind you attending school.  You're no longer focusing on what school you're trying to get in to.  Your main focus is to do your best in the now.
     Memorization is the possibly the toughest task I have had to deal with my entire high school career, especially in this class.  Someone brought up the quote in our discussion about loving what you do, and doing what you love.  When a student was called on to recite our most recent memorization, he nailed it, and it was evident that he truly loved what he was doing.  He may not have been thrilled to memorize a fifty line speech, but he was successful and has developed a skill that will aide him in the long run.
     The video we watched demonstrated that the internet is a major tool in forms of global communication.  The table of one hundred questions that is being organized showed how the internet can bring people together to expand understanding and knowledge.  This is motivating because it gives what we are trying to accomplish with our blogs hope for success.

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